Wednesday, April 15, 2009

Essential Vitamins and Minerals Vital to Good Health No Mater Your Age

Buy the best multi vitamin you can afford because your good health depends upon it.
Steer Clear of Drug Store Brands and One A Day Vitamins. Very few of these types of vitamins available today contain ingredients that have more than minimal bioavailability.
Bioavailability is a gauge of how much of a particular substance is absorbed by your body. Not all vitamins and minerals are alike and some absorb better than others. That is just one of the many problems of taking a one a day vitamin.

The Advantage of Taking The Best Multi Vitamin.

Vitamins and minerals basically manage your metabolic processes. Meaning that they are vital in helping your body to produce energy, grow, and are responsible for the reproduction and health of your cells. If you have a deficiency in even one nutrient you can end up with serious health problems because they often work synergistically with other nutrients, minerals, enzymes and coenzymes.
Certain nutritional supplements will also act as antioxidant free radical scavengers. Antioxidant vitamins have the power to counteract free radicals before cellular damage occurs. Free radicals are highly reactive chemical substances in your body that if left unchecked can lead to premature aging and disease, such as cancer and heart disease. Your body can manufacture some vitamins, but not all, so you must either get them from the foods you eat, which is almost impossible, or increase your intake with dietary supplements.

How to Choose a Good Multi Vitamin.

You have to take some caution when it comes to choosing a brand of multi vitamins. There is a wide degree of difference between cheaper synthetic dietary supplements used by a lot of manufacturers of one a day vitamins and the more expensive natural ingredients. As mentioned earlier, because of the fact that vitamins work synergistically, it's very important that scientists with the best credentials formulate the dietary supplements you use. Many manufacturers of one a day vitamins don’t use proper scientific reasoning and end up with ineffective formulas, causing many ingredients to cancel each other out, or to have even more harmful consequences. In addition, multi vitamins that aren't scientifically formulated properly generally have poor bioavailability, meaning that most of the ingredients will simply pass through your system with no benefit.
To get the best multi vitamin choose a manufacturer that follows pharmaceutical GMP compliance, which is the highest standard possible. Any other standard is a waste of money and hazardous to your health. Before making a decision, call or e-mail the manufacturing company and ask if they have a certificate of analysis on file confirming the potency of each batch. Avoid companies that do not respond or have excuses.

A few hints on finding a good multi vitamin:
-Go to a health food store
-Ask your friends if they know of a good vitamin and mineral supplement
-Then check on the manufacturer as stated above
All multi vitamin and mineral recipes are different, but find listed below are the most essential ingredients to look for when shopping for your multi vitamin.
  • Vitamin A; essential for healthy skin, eyesight, and wound healing
  • Vitamin B12; helps your system to fight fatigue, anemia and builds your immune system.
  • Beta-Carotene; belongs to the carotenoid group and converts to Vitamin A in your body as needed.
  • Biotin; a nutrient that plays a crucial role in energy production.
  • Vitamin C; a potent antioxidant that also works synergistically with Vitamin E
  • Vitamin E; an antioxidant which maintains the integrity of cellular membranes, protects against heart disease, and facilitates the healing of skin injuries.
  • Folic Acid; a B vitamin that helps prevent birth defects, protects against heart disease, and is needed for cellular health.
  • Vitamin K; a nutrient responsible for blood clotting.
Reap The Benefits

Once these essential vitamins and minerals start working in your body, and it may take a week or two, you will be surprised how good you feel, how much energy you have and how much clearer your thinking is.
So go for it. After all, without our health what do we really have.

Coming Soon To Health Works

More health tips on:
Managing Diabetes
Heart Health
Going Green

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