Thursday, September 17, 2009

Osteoporosis Can be Prevented and Reversed Without Drugs

We’ve all heard of osteoporosis. It brings to mind images of old people with humped backs and broken hips. We wonder how that could happen. Is it just part of growing old? Or is there a way to prevent it from occurring? If you take the proper steps, the answer is yes; you can actually increase bone density and return your bones to full health.


Before we can understand the cause of osteoporosis (weak bones) we need to explore how the bones function in the body. Bones are living tissue that must constantly be rebuilt. This is done by a two part process. In the first step cells called osteoclasts clear old minerals out of weakened bone tissue and carry them into the bloodstream where they are filtered and disposed of. Next, cells called osteoblasts deposit new minerals and collagen back into the bone. A hormone called PTH signals the osteoclasts to pull the calcium from the bones and another hormone called calcitonin stimulates the osteoblasts to deposit calcium into the bones.
Now that we know the basic process we can explore what happens when everything doesn’t work correctly.
  • Magnesium Deficiency
Magnesium suppresses the hormone that tells your body to pull calcium from the bones, and stimulates the hormone that tells the body to put calcium back into the bones. The hormone calcitonin relies on magnesium to function properly. When we lack magnesium, the balance between PHT and calcitonin tilts too far toward PTH, causing an over stimulation of ostioclasts; causing net bone loss.
  • Excess Acidity
A diet consisting of too many acid foods like bread, grains, meat, soft drinks and pasta, but lacking in fruits and vegetables causes acidity. To function properly, our blood must remain a neutral PH, so the body pulls calcium from the bones to neutralize any acidivity. This is a major factor in the development of osteoporsis.
  • Imbalance of Cortisol and DHEA
Cortisol is produced when there is stress. DHEA balances the cortisol. When there isn’t enough DHEA, cortisol pulls calcium from the bones to compensate. Also if you are generally low in hormones, as many women are after menopause, the result will be a loss of bone density.
-Commercial Medications
The way some drugs on the market work is by killing off osteoclasts. If you recall, osteoclasts are the cells that carry old minerals out of the bones. The result is a denser bone with high amounts of old, poor quality bone cells, making them weaker and more brittle. Other medications block the absorption of calcium into the bones and all drugs have side effects at varying degrees.

Things You Can Do Right Now To Reverse and Prevent Osteoporosis

1. Stop Drinking Soft Drinks
Soft drinks contain high amounts of phosphoric acid and sugar making them very acidic. Calcium is pulled out of the body to neutralize that acid, which lowers blood calcium levels. Then, to remedy this, parathyroid glands restore calcium to the blood by pulling it out of the bones. It becomes a vicious cycle.

2. Eat a Balanced Diet
Meats and carbohydrates are also highly acidic. With the addition of lots of fresh fruits and vegetables you can stabilize the acid without pulling calcium from your bones.

3. Stop Excess Milk Consumption
Milk and dairy products have ten times more calcium than magnesium. If you drink a lot of milk, supplement your diet with extra magnesium. It’s all about balance.

4. Increase Your Magnesium Intake.
Whether you drink milk or not you probably need more magnesium. Americans are overwhelmingly magnesium deficient and it is showing up in nationwide statistics of osteoporosis, as well as other diseases.

5. Reduce Stress
There are numerous ways to reduce stress: meditation, prayer, and yoga to name a few.

6. Exercise
Exercise is very important to increasing your bone density, particularly weight bearing exercise such as walking, stair climbing or dancing, because muscle pulling on bone build and maintains bone mass. There are numerous other health benefits from exercise as well. Start with walking a short distance three days a week. Then find fun ways to get your body moving, and different muscle groups working.

7. Supplements

  • Vitamin A: 5,000 I.U. daily
  • Vitamin B6: 25-50 mg daily
  • Vitamin B12: 10-1000mcg daily
  • Folic Acid: 800-1000mcg (.8-1 mg) daily
  • Vitamin C: 500-3000 mg or more daily
  • Vitamin D: 800-2000 mg or more daily
  • Vitamin E: 400 I.U. daily
  • Vitamin K1: 1000 mcg daily
  • Vitamin K2: 45-180 mcg daily
  • Essential amino acids: 1 tbsp daily
  • Potassium: 4000-6000 mg daily
  • Boron: 3-5 mg daily
  • Copper: 1-3 mg daily
  • Manganese: 10-25 mg daily
  • Zinc: 20-30 mg daily
  • Magnesium: 400-800 mg daily
  • Calcium: 1000-1200 mg daily
  • Phosphorus: 700 mg daily
  • Fish or flaxseed oil: 2 grams daily
If you can find a good multi vitamin and mineral supplement that contains some of these, it will cut down on the number of pills you need to take, but try to get these recommended daily amounts, and make sure it is a good quality vitamin.

As you can see, by making a few lifestyle changes you can prevent, and reverse even advanced stages of osteoporosis.

Tuesday, September 1, 2009


Diabetes has reached epidemic proportions in the United States mostly due to processed foods. It will be impossible to prevent or control this disease without doing the following three things.

  • Eat plenty of protein: eggs, fish, chicken, some red meat, raw nuts & seeds, peanut butter is ok but look at the label for sugar content.

  • Add lots of green leafy vegetables: romaine lettuce, spinach, cabbage, broccoli, brussel sprouts, (eat the fresh or frozen variety, stay away from canned). And eat a variety of other vegetables: whatever you like but again stay away from canned. You can eat some fresh fruits but be careful of sugar amounts and limit fruit juices.

  • Allow yourself only small amounts of whole grains such as whole wheat bread, pasta or long grain brown rice (white flour and rice have had all the nutrition removed so when you eat them they are just added calories, which none of us need).

  • Stay away from white sugar as much as possible (this is in almost all processed foods, so watch your labels).

  • Absolute NO NOs are: High Fructose Corn Syrup, Aspartame, MSG, and Trans Fats.

  • It is better to eat 4 or 5 small meals a day. This keeps your blood sugar from dropping out and keeps you from getting hungry.

  • Caffeine turns to sugar after consumption, so it’s a good idea to limit your coffee intake, or you might want to drink de-caffeinated coffee instead.

  • Cinnamon has been found to help insulin keep your blood sugar levels even. Try adding 1/2 teaspoon to your food daily.

  • Start reading the labels on food before you buy. I set my reading glasses on my head when I start grocery shopping and scan everything to make sure it doesn’t include those big no, nos.

If you already do some exercise, hurray for you and keep it up. If not, start walking a little bit everyday. Work up gradually to a 30 minute walk at least 3 times a week. If you don’t like to walk, there are numerous other things that will get that heart rate going, like riding a bicycle, swimming, or dancing.

  • Most experts concur that diabetes can NOT be controlled without adding exercise into your lifestyle.

  • Exercise triggers the brain to release serotonin (a natural anti-depressant) into your bloodstream.

  • Exercise will help you sleep better as long as it is done no later than 4-6 hours before bedtime.


Due to the processed food industry, our consumption of fast food, and the pollution of our air and water it is virtually impossible to get the nutrients our bodies need without supplementation. Listed here is what most experts recommend in the way of supplements needed to support diabetes.

  • Chromium picolinate -This lowers fasting glucose and metabolizes fat.
  • Alpha Lipoic Acid -This converts glucose (blood sugar) into energy and reverses neuropathy. It is also an antioxidant, a substance that neutralizes harmful chemicals called free radicals.
  • CoQ10 –Best known for enhancing physical energy and counteracting muscle damage from statin drugs, it has also been found to be helpful in controlling blood sugar.
  • L Carnetene –This substance helps carry fatty acids into the cells. It is naturally occurring in the body but levels are reduced as we age. It is known to help with diabetic neuropathy and Chronic Fatigue Syndrome amongst other things.
  • Multiple Vitamin and Mineral –Add this to get all the many nutrients our bodies need to function properly.

Something to remember is that when you take vitamins, minerals, and other natural remedies they are not drugs; therefore they take longer to work. The up side of this is there are no side effects to worry about and your body ends up being healthier than before. So try these three simple steps to a healthier happier you.